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HR Processes Management

Comprehensive enterprise-level solution for HR processes management that can be easily adapted to the needs of any organization.

The solution ensures an effective organization of HR processes from hire to retire.






Systematic Approach to Recruitment

  • All the information about applicants is stored in one place: CVs are imported into the system and bound to specific vacancies.
  • To organize an interview with a candidate HR manager arranges the meeting with concerned employees, and sends them a task with candidate’s CV for review.
  • After the meeting, involved employees approve the results of the interview and decide whether to hire the candidate or not.
  • If HR manager hires an employee, the system automatically closes a vacancy.
  • When a candidate is hired, HR manager launches onboarding process: sends task to prepare workplace, create necessary documents, ensure compliance and give access rights, etc.

Systematic Approach to Recruitment

Manageable Employee Transfer

Manageable Employee Transfer

  • An employee himself, his manager or an HR-manager can send request for a change of position or dismission
  • Resignation notice is created in one click and sent for rule-based approval according to the company regulations.
  • When an employee is transferred to another position, the system creates tasks to notify interested users, and to change access rights.
  • The system automatically closes or updates employee card after he or she is appointed to a new position or

Transparent Travel & Expense Management

  • Business trip request is created in a few clicks, an employee specifies the purpose along with the travel plans and estimated costs.
  • While on a business trip, employees send e-tickets and photos of receipts to a special email or to a corporate chat bot via messengers.
  • Documents are automatically captured from an e-mail or a chat bot and imported into the system.
  • As soon as an expense report is approved, it is automatically sent for reimbursement.

Transparent Travel & Expense Management

Easy Vacation Scheduling

Easy Vacation Scheduling

  • On a specified date the system automatically sends tasks to all employees to schedule vacation.
  • Prior to a vacation, user receives an assignment to draw up the documents and notify colleagues.
  • The system automatically creates a vacation application. An employee only needs to print and sign it.
  • The information about the vacation is transferred to an accounting system.

Add AI to Your HR Management

Get rid of routine and trust your time consuming manual work to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Axirum is equipped with intelligent tools based on machine learning and artificial neural networks that allow to

  • Fill in candidate’s cards with facts extracted from CVs.
  • Analyze if a candidate fits requirements in a vacancy. HR manager receives a brief review and recommendations regarding the applicant.
  • Generating expense reports: AI extracts data from the documents and automatically fills the fields in the expense report card. Employees only need to check the result.

Companies Appreciated Axirum HR Processes Management

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