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Travel & Expense Management

An enterprise-level solution for digital Travel & Expense Management, with elaborated approval processes that can easily be adjusted to your corporate regulations.

The solution streamlines Travel & Expense Management from creation of business trip request through approval of both prepaid and non-prepaid expenses to analysis.

Business trip
request & approval

Expenses Approval

Expenses Reporting

Search & Analysis

Fast travel requests approval

  • Business trip request is created in a few clicks, an employee specifies the purpose along with the travel plans and estimated costs.
  • In the application form employees can choose several destinations at once, note that they will travel by private vehicle, or ask to buy tickets. Axirum easily integrates with booking websites.
  • The system automatically defines the approval route according to the company's regulations.
  • When a request is approved, the system generates a notification for the concerned employees, and sends a task for the accountant to transfer the advance payment.

Fast travel requests approval

Quick preparing of expense reports

Quick preparing of expense reports

  • While on a business trip, employees send e-tickets and photos of receipts to a special email or to a corporate chat bot via messengers.
  • Documents are automatically captured from the e-mail or chat bot and imported into the system.
  • Inbuilt AI extracts data from the documents and automatically fills the fields in the expense report card. Employees only need to check the result.
  • As soon as an expense report is approved, it is automatically sent for reimbursement

Easy search and report management

  • All invoices are stored in a unified register. Data in Axirum and ERP system is automatically synchronized.
  • Access rights to invoices can be restricted in order to keep them confidential.
  • Users can filter invoices by status, departments they belong to, counterparties that issued them, issuing periods, etc.

Easy search and report management

Add AI to Your Travel & Expense Management

Get rid of routine and trust your time consuming manual work to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Axirum is equipped with intelligent tools based on machine learning and artificial neural networks that allow to:

  • process business trip documents, e-tickets, and photos of receipts that employees send to a special email, and forward them to an accountant for approval;
  • fill in expense report cards with facts extracted from documents: the system highlights recognized facts both in a document text and in a document card to make the check easier;
  • select relevant approval route based on document requisites (name, type, total amount, counterparty, etc.).

Companies Appreciated Axirum Travel & Expense Management

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