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Contract AI Forecast: Risks are Not Expected

The unified data space for task and document management

The British Petroleum Company is a global oil and gas company, which operates in more than 70 countries. The company explores, produces, processes and sells oil and gas, and makes investments to the renewable energy projects.

The main goal of ECM system implementation was to make paperwork more efficient and transparent. The BP Company wanted to arrange a convenient document storage while keeping the hierarchy and relations between the documents, and be able to quickly search for documents. Besides, they needed tools to monitor expenses of the departments, and monitor sum limits of contractual documents within the authorized procurement expenses.

Project tasks

The project team successfully solved all the tasks set by the BP Company:

  • Organize an electronic document archive.
  • Migrate historical data.
  • Automate approval of contracts and invoices.
  • Add a visual evidence that a new supplier was certified.
  • Integrate the system with the National Central Bank website to get the latest currency rates.
  • Integrate the system with the Sun accounting system.

The basic functionality of Records Management and Contract Management modules allowed to cover the most of the customer’s requirements. The project team had to make only a few improvements to solve specific tasks.

Procurement request approval

At first, the company was going to automate only management of contracts and incoming invoices. However, the pre-project study proved that the project team had to automate the process of procurement request approval first. For this purpose, we created a module for procurement request approval, the Sourcing Request document type, and a new task type.

Within this task, the system allows you to approve a procurement request, and determine and approve a supplier.

The procurement department employees get live information about the created requests and their status:

Use widgets to monitor and analyze the real-time request processing

Limit control

In Axirum, you can use the Spend control tab to work with procurement limits. Users can quickly check the sum approved under a procurement request, value of the concluded contracts and supplemental agreements, and the sum paid.

View all costs on a single tab in a document card

Currency rates

The company works with such currencies as USD, EUR, and GBP. Therefore, we implemented a new feature that allows Axirum to get up-to-date currency rates from the National Central Bank website.

Currency rates

The system needs a common denominator to analyze the data. We picked the US dollar. Thus, the U.S. currency became the universal equivalent for amounts of requests, contractual documents and incoming invoices.

Limit control

Company executives work in Microsoft Outlook. Therefore, the project team made it possible to work in the system via the email client. An approver receives an email that contains a Axirum document for review. He or she reviews the document, makes a decision, adds comments, and then sends it back to Axirum. That way approvers don’t have to log in to the system and get used to unfamiliar user interface to approve documents. You don’t need a Axirum license to approve documents like that, so a company can save money on additional licenses.

Approve documents via Microsoft Outlook

The project team migrated historical contractual documents and incoming invoices, and integrated Axirum with SunSystems via an XML files exchange.

British Petroleum decided to use Axirum installed in the cloud. That way the company saved money on buying a standalone server and the employees could work in the system both at their workplaces and remotely right away. The procurement department head could keep the entire process under the full control.

System implementation allowed the company departments to work in a more efficient way. It also provided real-time interaction among employees and all-round monitoring of task execution in the system. The company got a unified data space. The system reduced the time required to review and approve documents, and simplified transfer of documents to service providers and within the company. Employees now get exact information about the status of their requests and documents. It became almost impossible to lose any information about the status of documents stored in the system. Axirum also cut costs associated with storage, movement and delivery of paper documents.

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