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Contract AI Forecast: Risks are Not Expected

Business Processes Management

Axirum provides users with core Business Process and Workflow Management functionality.

Axirum Business Process Management streamlines collaboration and workflow within a company:

Task assignment

Standard routes for complex
business processes


Control over

Access rights
to tasks

for absent employees

Transparent collaboration of employees

Transparent collaboration of employees

  • Interaction of employees is based on tasks and assignments. They appear in the Inbox and Outbox folders.
  • The system automatically organizes Inbox and Outbox into flow folders. So that all similar tasks and assignments are placed in one folder.
  • Any user can create a task where he/she indicates performers (a person or a group of users), deadline, and work scope, and attaches documents if needed. Tasks can be delegated.
  • For complex tasks, for example, contract approval, the route is pre-configured according to the company regulations. Users don’t have to remember who should approve documents.
  • If an employee is absent, his/her tasks, duties, and access rights are delegated to another employee (substitute).

Full control over tasks

  • When the work is completed, the initiator receives an assignment for review with the results.
  • The board of widgets provides managers with up-to-date data on key performance indicators in a visual form.
  • An employee can track his performance using widgets. For example, how many tasks are overdue or have to be completed by the end of the week. From the widgets, user can quickly jump to their own tasks.
  • The system aggregates data on all processes in the company, so a top manager can easily analyze the information and identify bottlenecks.

Full control over tasks

Easy-to-use tools for process modeling

Easy-to-use tools for process modeling

  • Any process can be built in a graphical editor. The route scheme consists of separate blocks as a construction set.
  • A system administrator or a lead user can easily configure and adjust the system in accordance with a company’s specific processes.
  • The development tool allows customizing the system and creating new solutions.
  • To create end-to-end processes that connect different systems, there are open API and advanced integration mechanisms for data synchronization, as well as connectors to SAP and other ERP systems.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions

Spare the routine and get a high quality document processing.The system is equipped with intelligent tools based on machine learning and artificial neural networks.

Documents capture and recognition

Incoming documents are automatically imported into the system from a scanner, e-mail, or an exchange service. AI extracts data from text, no matter if it is a contract, a letter, or an invoice. User only needs to check if extracted data is valid and verifies the document.

Intelligent route selection

Smart Services split the document flow: the system defines an approval route based on a document requisites.

Document versions comparison

The system allows to compare contract versions: differences are highlighted and user can see what has been changed in a document. For instance, user can compare the initial version of a contract with the scanned version that has returned from a counterparty.

Smart search of documents

Search functionality supports fuzzy and federated search and helps finding documents in natural language even without exact criteria. For example, user can easily find contracts with similar conditions.

Companies Appreciated Axirum Business Processes Management

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