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Contract AI Forecast: Risks are Not Expected

Digital Evolution of Accounting
and Finance Document Management

over 90

business processes are automated in Axirum


counterparties to electronic document exchange


day to approve and sign a document with a counterparty

Nokian Tyres manufactures and sells tires for passenger cars, SUVs, trucks, commercial and specialized vehicles. The Nokian Tyres group includes the Vianor retail store, which sells tires and represents the company products in the key markets.

Nokian Tyres has been using Axirum system since 2010. Our experts automated over 90 business processes including:

  • Contract management.
  • Claim management.
  • Internal regulation management.
  • Power of attorney management.
  • Employee bonus and recognition management.
  • Investment proposal management.
  • Bidding management, etc.

The next major goal for the company was to start exchanging legally valid documents with counterparties.

Project tasks

  1. Launch electronic accounting documents exchange with counterparties and affiliate companies.
  2. Properly manage original invoices, delivery notes for goods movement, and corrective invoices. Documents should not be printed at any stage of the goods delivery process.
  3. Create a unified electronic document archive and keep stored documents legally valid.
  4. Be able to work with several Electronic Document Exchange operators. That way the company could exchange documents with a larger number of counterparties and the counterparties could pick an Electronic Document Exchange operator on their own.

Sending of documents to counterparties

The system allows to:

  • Synchronize status on document processing stages in a document card and an ERP transaction.
  • Change a signatory of a structured document that was created in Oracle, but hasn’t been sent to a counterparty yet. For a document to be legally valid, the XML signatory data must fully match the electronic signature the document was signed with.
  • Sign each document separately or sign a whole document package at once.
  • Specify an employee or a department as an addressee. In this case, Axirum was to receive a document via a document exchange service and send it to an addressee in a task.
  • Check if an employee is authorized to sign documents on behalf of several legal entities. The system doesn’t allow such employee to sign documents of both entities using one and the same electronic signature. The employee should use a different electronic signature for each legal entity.
  • Add detailed status for the sent outgoing documents. For example, Received in Axirum, To Be Sent, Sent to Counterparty, Received by Counterparty, Signed by Counterparty, Rejected, Document Flow Completed.
  • Check if an original invoice was successfully sent via a document exchange service before sending a corrective invoice. That way you wouldn’t send a corrective invoice to the one still being processed. For example, the original invoice might not be approved yet.
  • Configure the subscribers databook so that you could open system objects with long names.

Processing of incoming documents received from counterparties

Processing of incoming documents received from counterparties is deeply integrated into the procurement process.

The system can do the following:

  • Synchronize procurement orders from Oracle to Axirum with reference to the users in order to capture sums, dates, and counterparties.
  • Configure a databook, in which you can assign accountants, storekeepers, and default signatories to specific business units, categories and sums of procurements, and characteristics of counterparties.
  • Automatically cross-check financial documents with procurements.
  • Create document approval routes.
  • Check if the company has available funds.
  • Automatically generate a credit transaction to the ERP system and get the current remaining amount of procurement orders.


Nokian Tyres almost completely switched to electronic document management with the main counterparties. The project team configured the system to exchange documents with about 230 counterparties.

Also the team connected company's business units to document exchange services and configure exchange of legally valid documents among them.

The Axirum experts managed to integrate 2 services, an electronic archive, an ERP system, and the document batch scanning and recognition service into a unified system.

That completes the digital transformation of the company’s document management.

Unified archive of electronic documents

Users have access to electronic documents in the ECM system. They don’t have to be connected to a document exchange service

1 day to approve and sign a document with a counterparty instead of 5 days as it used to be

Documents exchange with 230+ counterparties

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