The company has a distributed structure with many branches all over the country. The specifics of the trade network involve interaction with hundreds of suppliers. The scale of the document flow is impressive. The transition to electronic interaction with counterparties and the introduction of artificial intelligence in the accounting department have helped to minimize costs.
Since the counterparties work with different Electronic Document Exchange operators, the client connected to several exchange services at once. Because of the high volume of document traffic in each area and the specifics of processing primary accounting documents, a serious overhaul of the entire process was required.
«Our company was already running an electronic document flow with some commodity vendors. But since the Electronic Document Exchange operator is obliged to store only receipts and protocols, but not the digital document itself, the primary task for us was to organize an electronic archive.
It was also important to digitize the document verification process, guarantee easy access to the documents from the accounting system, and provide multi-operator support».
Head of the software department in the client company.
Prerequisites for optimizing the processing of primary accounting documents:
Non-commodity transactions related to the rental of premises, advertising, business purchases have an important feature - the terms of each transaction are individual. That is why the work with such documents implies additional approvals and checks.
Documents on commodity transactions related to direct activity - the purchase of products for subsequent sale - are usually of the same type and their number is large. The processes for checking and processing such primary accounting documents have been clearly established for a long time.
If the project entries in the accounting system and the universal transfer document were compiled correctly, the process from the moment the document is received in the exchange service to sending a signed copy to the counterparty goes without human intervention.
Every month the customer receives thousands of accounts payable, 90% of them on paper. The accountants had to process them manually, including the voluminous tables with nomenclature lists. This work took up to 3 hours a day, and human error was inevitable. The company decided to free the accountants from this routine by using Axirum intelligent services to process the incoming invoices.
How it works:
Integration with the accounting system helps to quickly perform all operations without switching between different systems.
A single financial archive, organized in Axirum system, securely stores information in accordance with access rights, while supporting work with both formalized and informalized documents. In addition, there are special scenarios of preparation for tax and audit checks: financial reports of the organization are formed in a few clicks, and the documents are unloaded in accordance with the requirements of regulatory bodies.
Due to the digitalization of the process of registering and sending universal transfer document to the counterparty, the costs of delivering, checking and signing documents have been significantly reduced. The facts of sending, receiving and returning are strictly controlled.
«Our retail chain accepts more than 3,000 documents a week.
One of the advantages of the project is that we were able to optimize transportation costs for document delivery, the goods acceptance procedure became faster, the number of errors in working with primary accounting documents decreased, and the cost of the payroll was reduced».
Head of the software department in the client company.
The implementation of Axirum Intellectual Services has accelerated document processing in the accounting department and freed up a few hours a day for more important tasks. At the same time, the completeness of data extraction from accounts payable is 90%, and the classification of details is 95%, which is 15-20% higher than the planned indicators.
«The AI services relieved employees from approving documents on paper. Now all heads of the financial centers perform these operations in the system, including remotely. Labor costs for routine work have decreased significantly».
Head of the software department in the client company.
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