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Contract AI Forecast: Risks are Not Expected

Smooth Business Processes for Remote Employees


employees use Axirum from office or remotely


contracts and financial documents created via Axirum


of expense reports approved online

Bionorica is one of the leading global manufacturers of herbal medicines with more than 80 years of history. The company is focused on the fields of respiratory tract diseases, gynecology, and urology.

Goals and objectives

Many Bionorica employees are working outside of an office, especially sales managers and medical representatives. Although their primary task is to communicate with customers, they are also have to deal with formal business procedures. By opting for Axirum, the company decided to go paperless and make its main business processes more transparent.

  1. Decrease time spent on document creation and processing.
  2. Improve employees’ performance by introducing transparent business processes.
  3. Minimize risk of human error in document management.


The company picked three business processes to be digitalized first:

  1. HR Docflow.
  2. Approval of expense reports.
  3. Management of civil-law contracts and equipment purchase requests.

HR Docflow

Every month Bionorica HR teams prepare mountains of HR documents. However, the process was ineffective for a number of reasons:

  • Since all documents were in paper, HR specialists had to send them to the Head Office by post, so the approval process could take a long time.
  • The majority of employees did not have a permanent workplace and access to the corporate information. As a result, it was difficult to track their performance.
  • Due to a complicated hierarchy of the Sales Department, employees frequently made mistakes within the document approval workflow.

To ensure successful digital transformation, the Axirum implementation team along with the HR department and Bionorica accounting specialists developed standard approval rules. Now employees can send a document for approval with just a few clicks – the system automatically determines approvers in accordance with company’s regulations.

«Routes of HR document approval are always tricky. Just imagine a medical representative who is working in the sales department. At the same time, this employee may be responsible for a specific region, and each region has a certain division and assigned manager. In fact, automation helped us to make the approval process less confusing»


Project Manager

The implementation team digitalized all documents on remote employees, such as vacation request letters, day off request letters, dismissal letters, and orders. All HR documents are created and approved in the system.

One of the most frequent and complicated HR procedures in Bionorica is business trip arrangement. Now every employee can fill a travel request right in Axirum. Manager assistants can create travel requests for their managers as well. The system automatically creates all business trip related documents, such as a one-day trip memo or permission to work on a weekend. After that, the employees just need to click a button, and the system automatically sends documents for approval.

On the last approval stage, the employees sign the document package with a digital signature in case they prepared the documents on their own.

As soon as the request is approved, a responsible manager receives an assignment to book a hotel and tickets, and the HR department prepares a business trip order right in the system.

«Already within the pilot operation, we saw benefits of the implemented solution. Time and labor costs required for preparation, approval, and management of HR documents have been significantly reduced. Now everything is under control and in perfect order. We gave our employees a powerful tool that helps them to quickly deal with routine but necessary procedures and focus on the most important tasks»

Ekaterina Lesman

Project Manager, Bionorica

Expense Reports

At least twice a month Bionorica employees prepare expense reports and related documents categorized by different expense groups, such as business trips, office supplies, transport, or marketing events.

Since medical representatives usually work outside of the back office, they had to send their reports by post. Therefore, even a small error in a report could significantly slow down the approval process, and an employee could receive refunds with a huge delay.

For easy management of expense reports, the Axirum implementation team developed a tailor-made module. Now employees can create a report right from the cards of the travel request. The document’s form and package of related documents depend on the selected expense category.

Employees can upload supporting documents into the system from a local computer in a couple of clicks. The system automatically checks whether the total expense report matches expenses specified in the cards of supporting documents, and if it does not, Axirum does not allow the employee to save the report card.

The Axirum platform automatically determines the list of approvers depending on the document type, employee’s position, department, and region. Approvers can sign all documents at once, and an accountant can print the whole package with a single click.

Finally, Axirum transfers all information on the approved expense reports to the SAP-based accounting system and generates an approval list with digital signature stamps, which is attached to the printed reports and related documents.

Equipment Purchase Requests and Civil-Law Contracts

The last business process that Bionorica digitalized was management of marketing event documents and IT requests. Within event planning, employees always prepare purchase requests and make civil-law contracts with speakers. In addition, almost every day employees send requests to purchase or relocate some equipment.

Now these documents are created, approved and stored in Axirum. If necessary, an employee can quickly find the required information in well-structured digital databooks.

Of course, not every part of a business process requires a document, but needs and request fulfillments must be documented all the same. Back then, such information could be easily lost in growing piles of papers that took up a lot of space. As soon as the company implemented Axirum, they could abandon paper in favor of electronic documents. Today every employee can find a required document card in the system and quickly see all related information. The new solution allowed Bionorica to free up floor space for more profitable use.


Currently, more than 300 employees interact with each other in the unified system. All of them completed 17 training courses and 13 webinars organized by the Axirum company. Approval processes are now transparent as never before, and remote employees do not need to waste hours on manual operation when preparing various reports.

By implementing Axirum, the company optimized their business processes and minimized overhead expenses:

  • Significantly reduced paper usage.
  • Limited approval deadlines.
  • Minimized chances of human errors in document flow.


employees use Axirum from office or remotely


contracts and financial documents created via Axirum


of expense reports approved online

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